the free online Handball management game.

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The bests
US OROK BAT HAN...175.66 Pts
Team Ikul171.07 Pts
Green Team164.73 Pts
Toulouse Hand C...163.55 Pts
Branleur HC163.26 Pts
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  Welcome on,

Game opened since the 15th of december 2010

In this game, you are the manager of a HandBall team which participates to the HandManager Championship.

Create your own team, train your players, engage staff, buy equipment, enlarge your stadium ... all is done to permit you to win the championship.

IMPORTANT : The game has open the 15th of December 2010, so the first championship will start in May 2011, to let you the time to train your players.

Have a good game.

In case of registration problems, please write us to


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General informations
- Championships from :
- beginning of January to beginning of March,
- beginning of May to beginning of July,
- beginning of September to beginning of November.

- Automatic random groups selection the 24 of Décember, 24 of April and 24 of August.
- Automatic championship-matchs generation the 28 of Décember, 28 of April and 28 of August.
- The registrations to the Senior championship are automatics.
- The registrations to the Under-21 championship are automatics.
- Officials seasons end (Up, down etc ...) the 10 of April, 10 of August and 10 of December.
- Tournaments are organised between the championship seasons.
- See you on the forum for any question.